Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 16th - visit Bazoulè

We had our second visit of Ouagadougou today and 1st stop was the Clinique du Coeur which specializes in heart diseases but also gynecology, dermatology, gastroentrology and general medecine - very well equipped and nice to know we can get quality care here - well staffed with doctors and nurses and excellent equipment.No pictures allowed. 2nd stop was Bazoulè which is a crocodile park where crocodiles roam freely and the tourist stay close to the guides. The crocodiles are fed live chickens to keep them away from the nassara tourists. Again we have a balmy 36C and I hear Montreal is also under warm weather at 2C. This crocodile park is also a village which grows onions, cabbage and tomatoes and water comes from the swamp - kids are absolutely gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. Qu'est-ce que tu manges au Burkina? Du crocodile? Je suis curieurse de savoir comment vouv vous organisez pour la nourriture, et dois-tu toujours plier ton matelas pour dormir?
